
Have you ever thought, “I wish I knew then what I know now”? What if you could?

As a PR hopeful at a smaller university, I had a lot of questions with very few answers. As a result, I had to self-teach myself a lot of the PR know-how that you don’t typically learn in a classroom. It was then that I thought, “wouldn’t it be nice to have a resource where someone would tell me what the hell I’m supposed to be doing?!” By creating this forum, I hope to provide a resource to other students and those entering a career in PR; one that I wish I would have had during my search.

Along with interviews and advice from professionals and fellow PR students, I will add my own thoughts, opinions, ideas, know-how, and experiences related to PR, academia, internships, social media, and the like. And because I’m me, expect a little sass!

Welcome to the PRepguide. Start studying.